On more than 100 ha of land, not very far away from Warsaw, there is our four-star Sielanka nad Pilicą Hotel hidden in plain sight – with a professional horse-riding school and a richly equipped football complex presenting you with a full-size as well as a training pitch accredited by UEFA.
There’s no better place to load your internal batteries anew, enjoy some active leisure or lazing around for a bit. The beautiful forests, meadows stretching on almost forever, ponds full of fish which anglers shall find a great deal to their liking and many a charming spot, perfect for picnics or leisure in Nature’s bosom… Just look around, it’s almost Warsaw, and yet so far away from the hustle and bustle of big city life.
Would you like to have some active or lazy relaxation, yet travelling miles away from home doesn’t sound very nice to your ears? Our Sielanka nad Pilicą Hotel near Warsaw will spoil you with attractions such as:
britzska rides,
bicycle routes,
horse-riding lessons